Education and Additional Qualifications
Sofia University St. Climent Ohridski, Sofia, Master in Law, 2004
151 School of Interests, Sofia, Specializing in law, 1998
Professional Experience
A member of Sofia Bar Association since 2010.
Arbitrator at Permananent Court of Arbitration of the German-Bulgarian Indusrtial Commercial Chamber since 2017.
Counsellor of the chairman and director of Market Regulation in Communications Regulatory Commission (2008-2009).
Expert at the Commission for Protection of Competition, Antitrust and Concentration Division, Concentrations and sector analysis (2004-2007), a member of the workgroup, which set up the project for the current Competition Protection Law.
Participation in Company’s Projects
Koparanov has been working as an attorney-at law in competition protection, consumer protection, corporate and commercial law, administrative law since 2010.
He has consulted the commercial activity of clients in terms of ensuring consistency with the regulations for the protection of competition and consumers, as well as complying with regulatory requirements of corresponding markets.
He has represented clients before the Commission for Protection of Competition, regulatory authorities, Administrative Supreme Court, Supreme Court of Cassation, all levels of court, arbitrary courts in all types of proceedings in the areas of competition, disputes related to consumer protection, commercial disputes, electronic communications, copyright, administrative punishment and process, and discrimination protection.
He has consulted a number of mergers, acquisitions, corporate structuring and commercial transaction deals.
Koparanov has participated and managed projects in e-justice and e-management, consumer protection, as well as legal software developing.
English and French