Eleonora Sergieva

Partner – Head of Department ‘Public Law and Projects’

Sergieva manages a team specializing in the public sphere, administrative justice and administration of justice, public-private partnerships, tax and financial law. Vast expertise in leading and implementing projects for analysis and evaluation of legislation, research and introduction of good practices, preparation of normative and strategic documents, development of institutional capacity and consulting and structuring of reforms. Specialization in advising on tax aspects and effects in corporate and personal transactions, provision and receipt of various types of financing, acquisitions and sales of assets, enterprises or parts thereof and legal representation in tax, financial and insurance matters.

Education and Additional Qualifications

Management and Foreign Language School Ivan Vazov, 1996.

University of National and World Economy, Master in Law, 2001


Professional Experience

A member of Sofia Bar Association since 2002


Participation in Company’s Projects

She has been working in tax, finance and administrative law field.

She has been in charge of projects concerning the increase of managing and administrative capacity; efficiency in terms of state authorities and institutions; administrative burden decreasing and e-management implementation.

She posseses expertise in preparation, management and monitoring processes, as well as verification of projects funded by European or other grant systems, including ex-ante and ex-post control of legality in spending project’s funds, financed by operational programmes; assistance in regulating the relations between beneficiaries and managing authorities and legal representation.


