Education and Additional Qualifications
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia, Master of Law, Specializations Justice and Public Administration, 2017
Foreign Language High School Petar Bogdan, Montana, 2011
German Language Certificate (DSD II)
Certificate in Advanced English
Certificate in Spanish
Professional experience and Memberships
Junior Associated Partner from 2020 to the present
Member of Sofia Bar Association since 2019
In the team of Popov, Arnaudov and Partners Law Office since 2017
Legal trainee at Rashev and Partners Law Office, 2012 – 2013
Participation in law office projects
At the beginning of her professional development Tsvetelina worked in the field of judicial debt collection and commercial and banking insolvency proceedings.
She acquires experience in the field of property law, real estate transactions and property management, labour migration – assisting foreigners in obtaining work and residence permits in the Republic of Bulgaria.
Her current specialization is in intellectual property and advertising regulation. Tsvetelina advises clients on the protection of copyright and related rights, including copyright on computer programs, databases, music and other legally protected works. She prepares Intellectual Property contracts, as well as any other necessary documents and standpoints in this area. She provides legal representation in litigation for copyright infringement.
Tsvetelina participated in the implementation of a project commissioned by the Ministry of Culture for the drafting of a bill and the grounds for its adoption for transposition into the Copyright and Related Rights Act of the Directive (EU) 2019/790 of the European Parliament and of the Council on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market and amending Directives 96/9/EC and 2001/29/EC.
She also participated in the implementation of a project commissioned by the Ministry of Justice – “Building an effective model for acquiring the legal right to practice”, in the activity “Study of regulations and European practices regarding internships after graduation in Law and the practical-theoretical exam”.
Tsvetelina took part in the implementation of а project of the Administration of the Council of Ministers – “Transformation of the model of administrative services” and in particular in the activity of „Indexing and analysis of administrative services, information files and registers in the administration”.
Sectoral specialization
Cultural-creative industries
Telecommunications, media and technology
“The new Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market requires changes in Bulgaria as well”, together with atty. Emiliyan Arnaudov
„The online training and the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market“, together with atty. Emiliyan Arnaudov
English, German, Spanish