Popov and Partners Law Office was founded in 1998, and since 2017, it has been rebranded to Popov, Arnaudov and Partners. Our team consists of over 50 professionals, each of them specialized in a different field, together providing services across the whole business law spectrum and public projects: commercial law, commercial transactions, investing, regulatory compliance, tax consultancy, analyzes, rulemaking, e-government, e-justice, etc.

The firm has a vast procedural experience in legal representation and assistance before courts and tribunals throughout the country regarding commercial, tax and administrative matters, as well as before regulatory bodies: the Commission for Protection of Competition, the Consumer Protection Commission, the Patent Office, the Commission for Personal Data Protection, Commission for Protection against Discrimination, Council for Electronic Media, Ethics Commission and others.

The law office team works across the whole country and, thanks to the partnerships built, we can provide our clients with protection of their interests all over the world.

Memberships in organizations

TAG Alliances consists of the leading trade unions TAGLaw, TIAG and TAG-SP and it has settled a global reach of more than 290 members in more than 105 countries with over 17,000 professionals. TAGLaw, founded in 1998, is a global alliance, comprising of independent law firms. Today, it ranks among the top five legal unions in the world. TIAG, an association of independent accounting firms, was founded in 2003. TAGLaw and TIAG members often collaborate to provide their clients with a wide coverage of their varied legal and accounting needs around the world at its fullest.

The German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce is the first and main partner of the representatives of the German economy in Bulgaria as well as it is part of the international network of the German foreign trade chambers. The objective of GBCIC is to create a contact platform, partnerships and exchanges between German and Bulgarian companies as well as new opportunities for successful business to be launched. GBCIC is an official representation of the German economy, a company consultant, an official representative of German fairs. It is significantly recognized with its more than 500 members such as companies and organizations.

The French-Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry brings together 240 French, Bulgarian and international companies so as to encourage and develop the bilateral economic and trade relations between both countries. FBCCI is part of CCI France International, which currently numbers the significant 123 chambers, situated in 92 countries around the world. The organization of the international chambers maintains close relations with the regional chambers of commerce and industry in France.

The Association is part of Confindustria, Italy, and its main goal is to promote the economic cooperation between Italy and Bulgaria, in the role of a representative of the Italian companies in Bulgaria and supporting the activities of its members. Currently, members of the Association are nearly 300 companies. Part of Confindustria Bulgaria are both large international companies and small and medium-sized Italian companies, operating in Bulgaria.

IFA has been the single one non-governmental and non-profit international organization, dealing with fiscal affairs since 1938. Its main activity is the studying and developing of international and comparative law in terms of public finances, international and comparative tax law, financial and economic aspects of taxes. IFA members are about 12,000 from over 100 countries. The Bulgarian branch has over 60 members. The main unifying factor of all members is the organization’s main goal: tax law development and its application.

PARA is an association of robotics manufacturers and distributors, software and hardware developers, integrators, industrial zones, industrial automation companies, technology centers, research institutions and Think Tanks. The organization is focused on feasibility studies, research on multiple aspects of consumer and industrial robotics, as well as technology policies.


The quality management system of the law office is certified pursuant to the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015

Please read our Quality Policy

The law office offers a full range of industrial property services, including legal representing before national and European authorities. The leading attorneys-at-law Galin Popov, Eleonora Sergieva and Elisaveta Yotova are registered as industrial property representatives at the Patent Office, Republic of Bulgaria.

The law office offers mediation procedures in terms of commercial, consumer, labor, family and succession controversies as an alternative way of settling disputes.
Pepi Kuseva is certified mediator registered in the Unified Register of Mediators at the Ministry of Justice.

The law office offers comprehensive advice and assistance in introducing as well as implementing GDPR requirements in terms of our clients’ business. The team consists certified data protection experts who have passed the CIPP/E – a key certificate, showing in-depth knowledge and skills within personal data protection field.

Ranking participation

Co-operation with partners

Real Estate Agency, established by Popov, Arnaudov and Partners team, aims to offer its clients a comprehensive approach to providing all matters related to properties, including legal, brokerage, consulting and management investments, so as the client’s needs to be met.

A leading business consulting company, offering professional accountancy, auditing, payroll and outsourcing services. The partnership between both companies enables to provide clients with a full range of legal and financial advice, essential for their business.

An association, working on exchanging experience and developing professional expertise in the various areas of legal enforcement, justice and legal theory, improving the professional development environment of young lawyers, developing civil society and democracy.

A platform for local-based and international-based organizations in Bulgaria, willing to make their jobs far more inclusive so as to incorporate the diversity benefits. The goal of the platform is to promote a positive business and economic environment for equal opportunities per each and every employee.

A technology company, specializing in security, networking and management sphere, along with providing the best technical and sales support. Both companies cooperate in order to provide clients with a full set of personal data protection services in accordance with the GDPR policy.

Successfully completed projects

Business Law and Investment

Establishing and developing one of the largest franchising networks, situated in Bulgaria – a structure, consisting of over 40 franchisors and more than 100 sites throughout the country in stationery field.

Structuring and implementing several deals with a total amount at more than € 50 million in terms of cable and internet providers consolidation.

Acquiring one of the leading Bulgarian furniture traders, having been part of one of the largest European chains for furniture and accessories.

Overall legal support in terms of investment realization, regarding an automotive parts construction factory at a total planned amounting at 37 million euros.

Investment realization in terms of a retail space construction in Sofia and Varna, amounting at 7 million euro.

Initial capital investment and its subsequent several-time expansion in setting up one of the largest livestock farms in the country.

Performing overall due diligence in connection with various state-owned enterprises privatization, incl. International Fair Plovdiv AD and AudioVideo Orpheus EAD.

Overall legal service in terms of an investment project, regarding a new residential neighborhood developing, situated in the suburban area of ​​Sofia.

One of the first PPV and VOD projects launched in Bulgaria.

Overall legal day-to-day service of companies, operating in different economy sectors: financial sector, industry, media and technology, utilities, etc.

Compliance and Regulations

Preparing the overall legal framework, regarding different credit products of one of the largest non-bank financial institutions in the country.

Drafting the legal framework in terms of on-line credit products as well as signing contracts via a tablet, issued by one of the largest non-bank financial institutions in the country.

Establishing as well as developing a Special-purpose Investment Entity for real estate securitization.

Comprehensive analysis, compliance assessment and assistance in implementing GDRP requirements in organizations, operating in different sectors: financial one, healthcare, utilities, media and technology, retail, services, etc.

Implementing and/or support of Data Protection Officer functions in terms of companies, providing services in water supply, hotel and restaurant management, marketing analyzes, audits and surveys, household retail goods.

Dispute Settlement

Legal representation of a sales representative during one of the rarest disputes, regarding the statutory compensation payment to a commercial agent after the commercial agency contract termination. The claim price amounted at 15 million euros.

Legal Representation of Bulgarian Cable Operators in a series of cases with collecting societies, including a claim filed at CPC, having been a subject to abuse sanctions of EBU, VPRT, AGICOA, Musikutsator, Filmmuttor and Theatreuttor.

Legal Representation in Tax Disputes, amounting over BGN 4 Million.

Participating in establishing the Arbitration Court at the German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Since 2008, we have been providing legal representation services to banks during the process of overdue credit debt collection – several thousand cases have been assigned to a total of 4 large banks, amounting at 10 million euros.

Since 2010, we have provided out-of-court debt collection and maintenance services to 6 water and wastewater operators – over 60,000 cases, amounting at ten million euros.

Since 2017, we have been providing judicial and out-of-court debt collection, regarding overdue debts by telecom operators – over 170,000 cases, amounting at ten million euros.

Public Law

Project: Inventory and Regime Analysis, Administrative Services and Information Arrays/Registers as well as Reforming the existing model of organization and Register Maintenance in the state administration, which happens to be fundamental for the e-government realization, with a contracting authority – the Administration of the Council of Ministers, amounting at 3 012 000 BGN.

Project: Establishment of a common center for administrative services in the regional administration, with a contracting authority- the Institute of Public Administration, amounting at BGN 22 560.

Project: Procedural Actions Analysis and Certification Statements in the Civil and Administrative Proceedings; recommendations for the scope of the e-Justice rules, with a contracting authority- the Supreme Judicial Council, amounting at BGN 133 200.

Project: Comparative analysis of good European practices in administrative justice field, including improving the efficiency and transparency of court actions; analysis of the organizational structure and working processes in the Administrative Supreme Court, with a contracting authority- the Administrative Supreme Court, amounting at BGN 154 800.

Project: Comparative analysis of the legal framework for realization and management of foreign direct investment in 5 European countries, including the specific legislation in the priority economic sectors for Bulgaria, with a contracting authority- the Bulgarian Investment Agency, amounting at BGN 132 480.

Project: Establishing an effective model for acquiring legal capacity, including: researching the legal framework and European practices, concerning the post-graduate courses conduction into the Law Doctrine and the Practical-Theoretical Examination, model elaboration and approbation in terms of internship programs, including mentoring capacity construction, improving the model of the theoretical and practical exam when acquiring legal capacity, with a contracting authority-the Ministry of Justice, amounting at 119 000 BGN.

Project: Analysis of the structure of the Managing Authority of Operational Program Administrative Capacity: Functional Characteristics, Development of a Handbook in terms of implementing Operational Program Good Governing, with a contracting authority- the Ministry of Finance, amounting at BGN 56 400.

Project: Comparative Good European Practices Analysis in Enforcement and E-Justice Implementation, with a contracting authority- the Ministry of Justice, amounting at BGN 31 200.

Project: Optimizing the processes, related to the judicial status of citizens. Preparation of the technical specification and tender documentation for activity #2, regarding the development of the centralized automated information system – Legal Status, with a contracting authority- the Ministry of Justice, amounting at BGN 22 000.

Providing consultations and specialized services in terms of managing, monitoring and implementation of projects, contributed to effective funds absorption, assigned by contracting authorities and beneficiaries, amounting at over 1 billion BGN under three operational programs – Operational Program Administrative Capacity 2007-2013, Operational Program Environment 2007-2013, Operational Program Regional Development 2007-2013.

Providing consultations to various beneficiaries, regarding the funds absorption and verifying controversial expenses, amounting at nearly BGN 6 million.

Consultancy and preparation of public procurement documentation in terms of projects, amounting at over BGN 40 million.

Successful protection of clients’ rights in terms of public procurement, amounting at more than BGN 44 million.

Conducted checks in terms of legality, regarding 745 public procurement for projects, aiming at over € 400 million.

More than 1700 tenders and public procurement applications have been prepared and conducted.

Representing the interests of Bulgarian Cable Operators Association and Bulgarian Radio and TV Operators Association in the working groups, regarding the amendments into Copyright and its related righta act as well as the sub-legislation.