“Popov & Partners” took part in the consultations organized by the German-Bulgarian Industrial Commercial Chamber on the occasion of planned amendments to the Law on Protection of Competition

On 24.03.2014 a meeting of the Advisory Board “Law” of the German-Bulgarian Industrial Commercial Chamber (GBICC) was held. The event was attended by representatives of the business as well as lawyers from major law firms in Bulgaria, including the law firm “Popov & Partners.”
The meeting was held on the occasion of the draft of a bill on amending and supplementing the Law on Protection of Competition, introduced before the Parliament, and our law firm was represented by Hristo Koparanov – leading expert on Competition law and Regulations.
The law office offered some constructive criticism on the legislative changes and on their compliance with the standards achieved in the field of competition law. A number of specifics of the regulation of business activity by the general regulator, like the Commission on Protection of Competition, and also by the relevant Sector regulators were highlighted. Also, strong arguments regarding the specific legislative changes proposed in this connection were presented by the expert. Att. Koparanov commented with the other members of the board the importance of the proposed new concept in the law – “significant market power” as well as the proposed new power of the CPC to preliminary assess the General Terms and Model contracts of certain groups of undertakings. The significance of “competition advocacy” was mentioned as one of the essential functions of the CPC and, in this regard, the importance of the right to defend of each affected entity was marked.
As a result of the discussion it is expected that the Advisory Board “Law” of GBCIC will come up with a position on the planned legislative changes.