Eleonora Sergieva from „Popov & Partners” has participated in „Legal Day 2014”of GBICC

On 03.04.2014 was carried the second part of the annually organized forum „Legal Day” of German-Bulgarian Industrial Commercial Chamber (GBICC)

Our Law office was represented by Eleonora Sergieva – managing partner and specialist in the field of tax law that presents the study of the firm in recent case law of the Court of Justice in cases concerning VAT taxation and its application by national courts in Bulgaria.

Leading accents were placed on the analysis of issues of tax credit regime for taxing the profit margin in the light of Community law, and specific treatment in cases of intra-Community supplies. The presentation included a visual comparison charts of cases in a preliminary ruling concerning tax cases by the Bulgarian courts, and general statistics on the decisions of the CJEU cases related to taxation during the last three years.