Representative of “Popov & Partners” participates in the development of education standards under Pre-school and School Education Act

The Pre-school and School Education Act adopted in October 2015 delegates to the Minister of education and science the development of completely new regulation framework to arrange in details the curricula and study plans, the organization of study courses, the financing of the institutions in the system of pre-school and school education, etc. At the beginning of 2016 Sibina Eftenova joined as a representative of the Community for Democratic Education the working groups appointed by the Minister for the development of the state education standard for the organization of the activities in the pre-school and school education and the state education standard for the institutions in the system of the pre-school and school education. Realizing the importance of the educational reform for the overall development of the country, the Law Office helped the Community for Democratic Education in the presentation and the defense of a concept for a simplified regime for the establishment and operation of the so-called “Innovative Schools” within the working groups. Based on the research of best world practices the concept provides admission to every educational innovation which meets the criteria set out in the Pre-school and School Education Act and which has received the support of the school community together with a positive feasibility assessment by an independent commission. The draft of the Regulation on the institutions in the system of pre-school and school education has been already published .