An Analysis on Merger Control in Bulgaria, prepared by Hristo Koparanov and Emiliyan Arnaudov, is published by ICLG to: Merger Control Laws and Regulations 2020
A Comparative Guide on Merger Control Laws and Regulations 2020 was published on the website of International Comperative Law Guide by GLG – an independent London-based media company specializing in the legal and strategic business sectors.
The section of the handbook describing the state of the law and practice in the Republic of Bulgaria has been prepared by the Head of the Competition and Consumer Law Practice at Popov, Arnaudov & Partners Law Firm – Hristo Koparanov and the Managing Partner – Emiliyan Arnaudov. This section contains the regulation under the Bulgarian law regarding the control of concentrations between undertakings. Cases where a transaction is subject to ex-ante control by the competition authority are considered, as well as when a deal is considered to be a merger within the meaning of merger control. The article explains the notification procedure as well as the substantive test for compatibility of transactions with the rules of effective competition.