A revolution in terms of the relations between administration and citizens is to become reality!
An ambitious amendment bill to the Administrative Procedural Code suggests the requirement in terms of documents, having been provided in advance to the institutions, to be omitted
The project proposes a comprehensive concept of changing the administrative service model e.g. not the citizens to request certificates from a single administrative body so as the same to be presented to another one, but the administrative system itself to exchange the relevant documents and data, which have already been at its disposal.
In other words, the written above is referred to any type of information, which an administrative body could receive from another administrative one via official exchange or the same has already been uploaded and available in a public register. It is just not reasonable such information to be required by a citizen, due to the fact the last one is to become a courier each time they need an administrative service. Furthermore, the bill also sets an outstanding record -in order the revolution to become reality and due to legal harmonization, the transitional provisions of the same are on the way to amend another 142 legal acts.
“The joint work on the bill with our colleagues from the Administration Modernising Directorate, part of the Ministry Council, continues even after the public consultations”, Eleonora Sergieva, attorney-at-law, commented before Capital newspaper.