Popov & Partners is preparing recommendations for the electronic justice in Bulgaria

In the middle of April, 2015, a consortium with the leading participation of Popov & Partners Law Office signed an agreement with the Supreme Judicial Council of Bulgaria for assignаtion of:
- Entire analysis of the prоcedure acts in civil and administrative litigation;
- Entire analysis of the certifying acts of judicial bodies;
- Recommendations about the rules for working in the conditions of electronic justice;
- Recommendations about the rules for keeping, preserving and access to the registry of judicial acts.
The assigned activities to the Law Office are part of project, implemented with the financial support of Operational Programme “Administrative capacity”, cofinanced by the European Union through the European Social Fund, which aims conducting reforms in the judicial system by establishing electronic justice. As a result of the realization of this project it is expected that an integrated portal of electronic justice will be build and it will provide modern electronic services and information from the judicial bodies helping people, administrative bodies and the business. This project will lead to entire optimization of the working processes within the judiciary by initiating new electronic services and improvement of the efficiency in servicing citizens and companies. Within the project, the experts from Popov and partners are going to discuss the possibilities of transforming the procedure acts in civil and administrative lawsuits to electronic.
Popov & Partners strengthens its role as a key participant in the process of modernization of Bulgarian judiciary and in particular – its digitalization in the context of the efforts towards the establishment of e-government. Until now the Law Office has successfully realized a few other important projects along these lines. Among them is the project for modernization of the administrative justice assigned by the Supreme Administrative Court. Within this project, Popov & Partners has analyzed the good practices in a number of EU member states and worked out recommendations concerning their applicability in Bulgaria. Another project for establishing “e-justice” was the assigned by the Ministry of Justice analysis of good European practices on the electronic systems in the field of enforcement procedures. As a result of the two projects, both financed with the financial support of Operational Programme “Administrative capacity” and the European Social Fund, concrete measures with great practical effect for modernization and improvement of Bulgarian justice were presented to the respective institutions.
By participating in this global for our judicial system project, Popov & Partners continues its support to the efforts aimed to optimization of sector “Justice” as part of the integral state policy in the field of electronic justice.