“Popov & Partners” has execute an analysis of the structure of the OP “Administrative Capacity” and drafted the new Structure, Manual for implementation and System for management and control as a basis for all the procedures connected with the implementation of the Operational Programme “Good Governance 2014 -2020”
In the middle of July 2014 “Popov and Partners” law office was awarded a public procurement, announced by the Ministry of Finance, with subject matter “Analysis of the structure of the Managing Authority of Operational Programme “Administrative Capacity” (OPAC) and development of an offer for structure of the Managing Authority of Operational Programme “Good Governance” (OPGG) in relation to the 2014-2020 programming period”. The public procurement is part of a project for analysis of the structure of the Ministry of Finance and Operational Programme “Administrative Capacity” Directorate, realized with the financial support of Operational Programme “Administrative Capacity” (OPAC), co-funded by the European Union through the European Social Fund. The most fundamental aim of all project activities is to guarantee the effective execution of Operational Programme “Administrative Capacity” Directorate at the Ministry of Finance, in its capacity of Managing authority of the new Operational Programme “Good Governance” 2014 – 2020, which will replace Operational Programme “Administrative Capacity” and Operational Programme “Technical Assistance”, implemented during the past programming period.
In the beginning of September 2014 we successfully finalized the first activity under the contract – preparation of analysis of the structure of Operational Programme “Administrative Capacity” Directorate, including a proposal for new structure and a functional characterization of the Directorate which is appointed as a Managing Authority of Operational Programme “Good Governance 2014-2020”. In addition to that, the law office prepared a map of the competences and new job descriptions of the office workers in Operational Programme “Administrative Capacity” Directorate.
In connection with the second activity under the public procurement contract Popov and Partners’ team of experts developed a Manual for implementation of the new Operational Programme “Good Governance 2014-2020” and a System for management and control of the Programme. The documents, prepared from “Popov and Partners” law office will serve as a basis for all the procedures connected with the implementation of the Operational Programme “Good Governance 2014 -2020” and will guarantee the correct management of Operational Programme “Good Governance” 2014-2020, as well as the lawful expenditure of the funds granted for the Programme.