Stanislav Nikolov from “Popov & Partners” is among the authors of the newspaper “Generation Europe”

In honour of 9th May, Europe Day, the Information Office of the European Parliament in Bulgaria issued for second year the newspaper “Generation Europe”. Stanislav Nikolov, a member of “Popov & Partners”, is one of the 15 Bulgarian students, who were elected by competition to be the authors of the newspaper. For that purpose, the group of students visited the European Parliament in Brussels, where they had meetings with commissar Kristalina Georgieva, Bulgarian members of the European Parliament and workers of the EP press office.

The materials in the newspaper include subjects, related to the European Parliament, European Union and the processes that are running. The article of Stanislav Nikolov “Consumer rights – real as the products we buy”, gives valuable and plain information about the consumer rights of the EU citizens.


You may download the newspaper “Generation Europe” here