Melina Mladenova

Associate - Debt Collection

Debt Collection

Education and additional qualifications:

Sofia university “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Master of Law, 2020

High School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences – Vidin, 2015


Attorney-at-law, 2023

Legal counsel, 2021 – 2023

Legal trainee at Sofia District Court, 2021

Paralegal, 2017 – 2021

Participation in Company’s Projects:

She works as an attorney-at-law in the area of in-court and out-of-court debt collection, legal representation in civil and commercial cases, enforcement proceedings, in particular claims in connection with bank loans, damages of various kinds, including in connection with insurance contracts. She prepares legal opinions and legal advices on international private law cases concerning debt collection and the conduct of civil and commercial proceedings with an international element.

She has extensive experience in civil litigation, banking law, insurance law, commercial transactions and B2B relations, consumer law, international civil and commercial litigation, as well as tax law and tax procedure. She has a particular interest in FinTech and the evolution of commercial law – the interactions between new technologies with key areas of commercial law and potential legal changes to respond to new developments in technology and businesses.

